These videos will give you a good idea about the tasks that take place in the wool shed, along with an understanding about the importance of animal health and wellbeing. We explore the different roles of a penner (shed hand), wool handler (rousie), presser, and a shearer.
Shed hands play a key role in the operation of the shearing shed. If you’re a newbie, this is where you will likely find yourself starting out performing routine duties such a penning and wool pressing. Also included are a couple of Work Wise videos on nutrition and how to work as part of a team in the shed.
What will these discovery videos show me?
By watching these videos, you will get a good overview of what working on a dairy farm would be like.
- Carefully and efficiently moving sheep into catching pens, keeping the pens full for shearers
- Having a clear focus on animal welfare at all times in the handling and managing of the sheep
- Pressing and branding the bales of wool
- Assisting a wool handler to sort wool for pressing, if required
- Working as a key part of a shed team, understanding roles and responsibilities and communication within the team.
- Eat wisely for a longer more sustainable career
What’s included and what do I do next?
There are 27 short videos to watch (each between 1 & 4 minutes long).
The videos have a pdf of information and tips on each topic, which you can open, save and print.
There are short self-assessed quizzes at the end of MOST of the videos – not all – and quiz answers are in the video or in the pdf – there are no trick questions! If you get one wrong, it’s okay, and you can have another go. Note there are no quizzes for our work wise section – just videos to watch.
As the learning progresses from video to video, the first time around, you’ll need to watch them in the order they’re listed. Once all have been watched, you can then go back to any specific video at any time you like.