Working in the sheds can be tough physical work for everyone. Learn some simple warm up and cool down exercises that will help you stay flexible and fit. Do these at the start of your day, during your day, and at the end. Look after your body and you can have a long sustainable career in wool. During the in-shed training days you’ll practise warm ups and cool downs, and learn how to use a spiky massage ball, so make sure to watch the first few videos. They’re longer than our usual videos as they’re 15-20 minutes long, but they have a lot of great exercises to follow!
The exercise library has short videos of each individual exercise – great for you to watch and do at any time before or after the in-shed training and when you have a day of work in the shed.
If you have any injury that means you should not exercise please do not perform the Move Wise exercises.
If you have significant back pain please follow the guidelines you may have received from your health care professional.
Be careful when doing the Move Wise exercises. Listen to your body, and know your limits.
We love spiky massage balls. They’re really useful for working on tired and sore muscles.
Do not use a spiky massage ball on an area of the body which has:
- Skin rash
- Open wounds
- Blisters
- Bruises
- Tumours
- Bone fractures
Do not use a spiky massage ball if you have:
- Acute cardiac disease
- Acute kidney disease
- Acute liver disease
- Neurological condition which causes loss of sensation
- Blood thinning disorder